The Warsaw University of Life Sciences is the oldest agricultural and natural science university in Poland, its origins dating back to 1816. The school is a thriving academic center, receiving recognition and unflagging interest among young people and teaching staff in Poland and abroad, valued for its care for the quality of education, faithfulness to the best university traditions, openness to change, and dynamic development. The university offers 40 fields of study (including 9 taught in English): from natural science and technology to veterinary medicine, social and economic studies. There are nearly 16,000 students in full-time, part-time, doctoral, and post-graduate study courses as well as under international student exchange.

Modern research centres and laboratories at our disposal, as well as the presence of outstanding experts, allow us to educate and conduct world-class research and transfer results to the economy, which has an impact on innovation and progress in, inter alia, agriculture, food economy and medicine, and contributes to the growing importance of Polish science in the world. Our head office is located in the district of Ursynów, Warsaw, but we also have out-of-town centres which allow for doing research, experimental work, internships and field exercises. Additionally, we have picturesquely situated leisure centres that are excellent places to organize conferences, scientific and creative meetings, and recreation for our employees and students.

What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this application?

The Institute of Forest Sciences was established in 2019, it is a unit that organizes scientific and research activities within the discipline of Forest Sciences. The Institute is the trustee of the scientific achievements and the continuator of the research activities of the Faculty of ForestryThe main tasks of the Institute include conducting research, disseminating and popularizing the results of research, as well as active participation in the discourse on the challenges of the modern world. The Institute analyzes the issues of key importance for forestry and socio-economic development regarding the exploitation and protection of forest resources, while ensuring their sustainability. It is an actively developing center that conducts scientific research in the field of farming, forest management, use and protection, forest dendrometry and productivity, forestry economics, forest botany, zoology and hunting, nature protection, geomatics and spatial management. At the Institute of Forest Sciences, we have been involved in nature and forestry education in the broadest sense for years. We also conduct research in the field of cultural services of the forest. A number of publications initiated by the institute’s employees have been written on this subject. Several important research projects have also been carried out, including international ones, including projects such as: “Trails for disabled people in the V4 coutries”, or “Restoring recreative potential of damaged forests for human weel-being in V4 and post-war Ukraine”.  This activity are close to the issues covered in this application.

What are the skills and expertise of key staff/persons involved in this application?

Dr hab. Emilia Janeczko is an Associate Professor, landscape architect and doctor of forestry sciences. She is a deputy Director of the Institute of Forest Sciences. She has been involved in several national and international projects on cultural ecosystem services of the forest, landscape design, urban planning, and social determinants of tourism and recreation development. She has promoted three PhDs, one of which was directly related to informal nature and forestry education. She conducts research on the impact of forest landscapes on human health and well-being. She is active in all scientific fields in which the theme of the relationship between humans and the natural environment appears. She is the author of more than 150 scientific publications. She has completed courses in psychometrics and interpretation of natural and cultural heritage.

Dr Małgorzata Woźnicka works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Forest Sciences. She works on ergonomics and forestry safety, making both urban and forest spaces accessible to people with various dysfunctions. She teaches students and publishes scientific papers on the possibilities of implementing various forms of tourism and recreation by people with disabilities, social functions of forests. She is the Institute’s coordinator for people with disabilities.

Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this application?


Nowoursynowska 166

02-787 Warsaw


Partner Type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)


Phone: +48225931081