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The Last Day of Our Project was Completed with The Exhibition of Ecoprint Printed Products and Closing

The last day of the Activity IV, the exhibition of ecoprinted products was held in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Kastamonu University in Türkiye. The ecoprinted products were produced from the Activities II in Macedonia, Activity III in Poland and lastly in Türkiye. The valuable ecoprinted products were bag, purse, makeup bag, …


We Completed The Third Day of Our Project With Our Cultural and Historical Trip

During the Activity IV, the representatives and participants visited some historical and cultural places in Kastamonu, Türkiye. They enjoyed visiting Kastamonu Museum, Clock Tower, Nasrullah Mosque, Münire Sultan Medresesi, Yakupağa Külliyesi in the city center. They also experienced stunning natural beauty in Çatak Canyon, Horma Canyon and Ilıca Waterfalls.We are so thankful for warm hospitality …


The Second Day of our Program Completed with Ecoprint Event

On the second day of Activity IV, different ECOPRINT techniques applied on fabrics (especially 5 different types of silk) using different plant parts. The products such as scarves, handkerchiefs, bags, makeup pouch, shirt, and tablecloths were produced with fabrics obtained by the ECOPRINT method.


Day One of our Activity IV Program in is Completed

The representatives and participants from Kastamonu University, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Youth on Board and Sarı Konak Women’s Enterprises Production and Business Cooperative attended to the Activity IV in Kastamonu, Türkiye.On the first day, Assoc. Prof. F. Müjde Gökbel Yavuzoğlu presented Ecoprint techniques on ceramics and experiment were carried out on ceramics accompanied by …



The “ECOPRINT in Nature” project supported by the Directorate for EU Affairs and the Turkish National Agency within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program Partnerships in Adult Education (KA210-ADU) and coordinated by Kastamonu University will continue with Activity 4.This activity will be held in Turkey between September 12-17, 2024 hosted by Kastamonu University. In this …


We Completed The Third Activity of Our Project

On the last day of the event, everyone had the chance to see how eco-printed fabrics are transformed into brand new products at the Forest Institute Center at SGGW. The new products were carefully and meticulously crafted to be environmentally friendly. Some of the eco-printed textiles were framed, while others were designed as tablecloths, scarves …