The project submitted by the Faculty of Forestry of our University within the scope of the Small Scale Partnerships in Adult Education (KA210-ADU) activity of the Erasmus+ Program, which is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for European Union Affairs, Turkish National Agency, was entitled to be supported with a maximum grant of 60,000.00 Euros.
The project titled “ECOPRINT in Nature” which was submitted by our university in the 2022 call for proposals period, will be carried out by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Tor, faculty member of the Faculty of Forestry of our University, and the project will be carried out by Assoc. Prof. Firdevs Müjde GÖKBEL, faculty member of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Dr. Senem YETGİN, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Senem Yetgin from the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and Lecturer from the Forestry and Nature Tourism Specialization Coordinatorship. Assist. Tuba KÜLÇE from the Forestry and Nature Tourism Specialization Coordination Unit, as researcher.
The project, which will be carried out jointly with Positiva Milano from Italy, the Association for Cultural and Educational Development YOUTH ON BOARD from the Republic of North Macedonia, and S.S. Kastamonu Sarı Konak Women’s Initiative Production and Business Cooperative from Kastamonu, will start in May 2023 and will last 12 months.
Within the scope of the project, our primary objective is to provide theoretical and practical training on ECOPRINT (Ecological Printing) methods to participants selected from disadvantaged women groups in our province and partner countries. With this aim, ecologically printed textile products that are especially environmentally friendly and suitable for reuse and reproduction will be developed in line with sustainable development goals.
This project will also contribute to raising qualified individuals, developing products with high added value, improving competitiveness, working with internal and external stakeholders, and supporting national and international development, which are within the scope of our University’s “Forestry” specialization area goals.